Hello, my name is Bojan Ratej, a husband and father to a wonderful family living on the edges of a forest in a beautiful Countryside of Slovenia. I am also the founder of the SWOGAR Brand. Years of living by the forest and connecting with Nature have been my greatest teachers and inspiration in my Life, for which I am extremely Grateful. It first helped me to gain ideas for building our family home, later in life shaped my work in marketing and lastly led me to my very own business. A workshop where natural materials are brought to a new light.

"No school or academy teaches you what Nature can teach you. Be grateful for that."
Swogar wooden ties are the result of the inspiring vision and will of one man who wanted to offer the world of fashion a product whose message is important to all of us. "I was happy and guided by the thought that in order to make a Swogar Wooden Tie, it is not necessary to exploit nature, poison it or burden it with waste. It is only necessary to have a pair of creative human hands, some imagination and a lot of persistence and patience, and nature itself makes sure that basically the most wonderful and unique works of art that only she can make come into our hands. When we combine the two, we can get an impressive product, which Swogar Wooden Ties certainly are."

Nature itself draws beautiful patterns and creates harmonious lines in so many ways. Therefore, each product made from Natural materials is Unique and Magical. It's then up to me to use these gifts all around us and emphasize with my work what is already there. SWOGAR Wooden Ties represent an opportunity to turn the beauty of Nature into real shapes and products.

Although, truth be told, similar products already exist, I however wanted to prove that I can go a step forward. The look and finish of SWOGAR Wooden Ties represent an unlimited possibility of design combinations. It took months of experiments, different materials, processes, and errors to finally have a product that is exceptional and functional at the same time.

Since we are all Children of this Planet, I want to bring you closer to Nature with a product that will connect with you. The special care it took to make SWOGAR Wooden Ties will bring you closer to the embrace of Nature and its vibrations. With wearing this product, you will become an advocate of Nature. In the end of the day, we need to respect the home we were given, protect it, love it and be part of it.
Confirmed by the Chamber of Crafts of Slovenia According to the expert commission of the DUO and its president, Prof. dr. Janez Bogataj, the products of the Swogar brand meet the requirements of Slovenian domestic and artistic crafts. That is why it is right that they are marked as such with an Art&Craft hanger. Opinion number 9190-04/21 of the Chamber of Crafts of Slovenia was obtained for them.

Swogar brand products have an arts and crafts certificate No.: 9190-04-21